Feature Kong
FeatureKong version 2.14
  This page lets you search the database for recorded features.
Give me a clue about how to use this form.
Status: Framework: Sponsor:
priorities numbered: (comma separated list)
features numbered: (comma separated list)
Email:  matching as Assigned To
(Will match any of the selected fields) CC
Added comment

Email:  matching as Assigned To
(Will match any of the selected fields) CC
Added comment

Changed in the last days. At least votes.
Where the field(s) changed. dates to
changed to value (optional)

Plan: Component: Target Release:
Feautre Name:
multi-line description:
log comment:

            What is this stuff?

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Set my default query back to the system default
This is FeatureKong: a feature and requirements tracking system. For more information about what FeatureKong is and what it can do, see mozilla.org's feature pages.
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