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Bugzilla version 2.10
Table of Bug Counts
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Sat Jan 11 17:55:14 CST 2003

priority Nov 9 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 30 Dec 7 Dec 14 Dec 21 Dec 28 Jan 4 Jan 11 total
P1 4 3 5 4 7 7 4 3 1 1 39
P2 45 88 61 54 123 100 77 62 44 12 666
P3 32 58 42 39 66 72 60 58 58 41 526
P4 59 52 48 44 65 65 65 36 47 49 530
P5 31 48 58 21 49 51 24 24 15 23 344
totals 171 249 214 162 310 293 230 183 165 126 2105
Vertical Axis: Horizontal Axis: Metrics:

(census at instant)
Count all (matching)
Count open
Count resolved
Count resolved, fixed
Count verified
Count closed
(transitions during interval)
Count openings
Count resolves
Count resolves, fixes
Count resolves, non-fixes
Count verifies
Count closings
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Status: Resolution: Platform: OpSys: Priority: Severity:

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Program: Version: Component: Target Milestone:
Summary: (any word)
URL: (any word)

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This is Bugzilla: the Mozilla bug system. For more information about what Bugzilla is and what it can do, see's bug pages.
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