Bugzilla version 2.10
Table of Bug Counts
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Sat Jul 28 00:38:59 CDT 2001
ascrer....1 1
esmith.1 ...1
ewillow.3 7 3 .13
gbrown1 7 ...8
ibran....1 1
jriley1 2 1 2 .6
jdow.1 ...1
jlentz.1 ...1
jlee2 3 ...5
jsmithe.7 4 4 2 17
jsears2 18 18 6 .44
kfinder..1 ..1
kchevy.5 3 2 .10
kfrance..2 1 .3
lmikes.2 ...2
mpeterson.1 ...1
mroberts.3 10 4 .17
mquincy.2 .1 .3
pgrubs.6 1 .1 8
pwhitman.1 1 ..2
pkennedy..1 ..1
pcospar..1 ..1
rbrennan.3 10 19 1 33
sanders.9 6 5 .20
sdriver2 8 7 4 1 22
vfrisbee2 7 3 2 .14
totals10 90 76 53 7 236
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(Will match any of the selected fields) CC
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